Business Development

How to Win at Technical Sales

How to Make Your Sales Sizzle

MonMan Sales Marketing Sizzling Steak

Show of hands: How many of you actually think your customers love you?

Not in the "I'm going to leave my wife and run off with you" way, but really, truly care about you?

More Bang!

How to Get Everything You Want Without Paying Extra For It

Quality MonMan


Everyone wants it. No one wants to pay for it.

We all want the biggest, best and fastest, but we only want to pay for last year's model.

Can You Really Trust Your Vendors?

Finding & Keeping Honest VendorsMonMan How to Trust Your Vendors

"Bill," I said, "I want to help you guys on this project, but you have to give me something to work with."

LinkedIn to Discontinue Products & Services for Company Pages

LinkedIn to Discontinue Products & Services for Company Pages

According to an official LinkedIn post, you will no longer be able to showcase your products and services in your company page.

So on April 14th, the Products & Services tab will be removed from all LinkedIn Company Pages.

Which is Better: Market Leader or Industry Leader?

Market vs. Industry Leader

MonMan Market Leader vs. Industry Leader

Market Leader and Industry Leader are terms that are often used interchangeably, but it can be argued there is a nuanced distinction between them.

Why Athletes Make Great Business People

How to Win in Business

Why athletes make great businesspeople

Athletes make great business people? What?!? What about all those pro athletes that go bankrupt once they retire? You know, the ones that have to travel to communist countries as sports ambassadors to keep up their lifestyle.

There Are No Freebies - Lessons From the 2014 Super Bowl

I really wanted the Broncos to win. I’ve spent time in Denver, and it’s a great town. Colorado is a beautiful state that offers anyone anything. But I don’t hold any allegiance to Denver or the Broncos, although their executive VP, John Elway, is a legend. I didn’t follow their season, and I don’t have their jersey.

Still, I really wanted the Broncos to win!

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